The citizens of Montreal were startled to see Black Fire apparatus rolling down their streets this week. When a few photos made it onto social media Conspiracy Theorists went nuts.
Read More »Police officer admits to volunteering for Thanksgiving overtime to avoid the in-laws
Officer Steve Johnson has been accused of a horrible offense. No Officer Johnson did not break the law, he used an overtime shift to get out of going to spend the weekend with his wife’s family.
Read More »FDNY Lt faces charges after rescuing child
Lt. Robert Whelan saved a child from a fire in Brooklyn on Nov. 25. Lt. Whelan is on an engine company not a truck company. According to FDNY tradition only truckies are allowed to make a rescue not the hose carrying firefighters.
Read More »City Council proposes new policy so police can only shoot second
Alderman Mike Hunsaker has proposed a city ordinance that cops all over the country outraged. Hunsaker wants to require officers in his city to be shot at first before they are allowed to discharge a firearm.
Read More »NFPA Fast tracking bullet proof Turnout Gear standards
For years now the NFPA has been talking about mandating that all firefighter turnout gear also have bullet proof properties. Given the events of the past few weeks the NFPA is fast tracking this new policy.
Read More »FDNY recruited porn star to boost calendar sales
The New York daily news is reporting that Jonathan Jesensky, a recent graduate of the FDNY academy was once a porn star. The paper how ever missed one important fact. Jesensky was actively recruited to become a fireman.
Read More »Parking enforcement boots fire engine blocking hydrant, at a fire scene!
Firefighters at a fire scene today were amazed by the actions of city Parking Enforcement bureau officers. Their fire engine was booted for being in violation of city parking laws, namely blocking a fire hydrant.
Read More »Scientist link responding to fewer calls with higher need to be a wacker showoff
Researchers from the Washington University of Social Sciences have found a direct linkage between being a wacker and low emergency call volumes. The study found persons getting hours of training and many more hours of drills have a compulsion to show off their skills
Read More »Firefighter to executive chef bridge program announced
Bridge programs are popular in EMS a s way to move from Paramedic to RN at a much lower cost than getting a full nursing degree. Now one college is announcing a program to allow firefighters looking for a career change
Read More »Community upset by Fire department use of Assault Impact Tools
Firefighter Pete Lattimer is somewhat of an inventor. Recently he made some modifications to an impact tool that have caused members of his community to lose faith in their fire department.
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