After a rash of incidents where women tried to claim to be married to cops to get out of arrests one chief is now issuing badges his officer’s wives. The Chief in Coniux says this is a move to avoid future confusion and embarrassment.
Read More »Firefighters kicked out of grade school due to nozzles that look like guns
Firefighters on Friday made a visit to Thornton Melon grade school to teach fire safety to 3rd graders. But when they showed some of their gear to the kids school officials quickly stopped the presentation and kicked the fire crew of school property.
Read More »NYPD planning puke protest in response to no off time order
Tensions between NYPD officers and the Mayor of NYC are heating up again. According to the NY Post the NYPD brass will not allow vacation or sick days until NYPD cops start writing more tickets. In response cops are intentionally getting the flu so they will vomit at work.
Read More »EMT on suspension after pooping pants three shifts in a row
EMT Eric Stercus decided to lose some weight for New Years. After talking to friends and co-workers he decided to add a high fiber body detox cleanse to his weight loss regime. Unfortunately the high fiber detox made bowl movements too easy and multiple pant filling accidents have taken place.
Read More »Mayor DeBlasio looking to disband the NYPD
In the wake of recent events the Mayor of New York city is looking at options to disband the NYPD. Sources close to the Mayor tell CallTheCops that between NYPD cops disrespecting the Mayor and the current work slowdown it is obvious the NYPD is beyond help.
Read More »National Registry will require AS degrees starting in June 2015
President Obama announced a new program to give two years of schooling at Community Colleges to anyone willing to "Work for it". In the wake of this announcement it has been decided that all Paramedics will be required to obtain Associate of Science (AS) Degree.
Read More »Drunk Driver suing police for not catching him thus allowing him to get into crash
Various anti police web pages have been touting the Zip Lock bag tactic to avoid being stopped at a DUI check point. One Drunk driver used this method to avoid arrest but then crashed into a car filled with college ...
Read More »Police are ending patrol operations in response to public fear of cops
Police departments across the country are pulling patrol officers off the road. Police will still be on duty but will only respond to 911 calls.
Read More »Executive Order halts the hiring of any White Male Police officers
President Obama announced a stunning new plan to heal the disconnect between American Police and the African American community. From today until the day he leaves office US Police and Sheriff's departments are banned from hiring white male police.
Read More »Kelly Grayson kicks off EMS civil war
Over the weekend EMS Blogger Kelly Grayson fired the first shot in what is quickly becoming known as the EMS Civil War. That shot came in the form of a simple Facebook post stating he was going to unlike a number unprofessional EMS Facebook pages.
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