Target to start concierge medical service

It was recently revealed that doctors are fed up with insurance companies and their ridiculous claims systems. In response many doctors are leaving conventional medical practices to start concierge medical practices. Now Target stores is looking to bring concierge medicine to a wider audience.

Concierge Medical

Concierge Doctor

According to an article in Yahoo Finance doctors are finding that concierge medical care has become something of interest to the middle class. It has long been assumed that concierge medical care was only for the rich. But many doctors are finding that even charging a modest rate that middle class families can afford a concierge, and the business can still be profitable.

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that due to Obamacare many insurance plans now have soaring deductibles that most people will never reach. Meaning many in the middle class will only opt for the “catastrophe plans”. These so called Catastrophe Plans only cover catastrophic events; they do not help with preventative care or routine procedures.

This is where Target sees the niche market. A concierge service has very little overhead compared to a standard medical practice. There is no office filled with medical equipment. The doctors see patients in home for wellness checkups and for routine things like sinus infections or colds. With portable X-ray, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic tools there is nothing a concierge doctor can’t do that your family physician is doing in the local clinic.

In a memo, leaked to CallTheCops from a source in management, Target outlines their plan. Target acknowledges that the Television show “Royal Pains” has produced an awareness of concierge medicine in the general public. Their biggest hurtle will be getting the middle class to see this is not a rich Hamptons only service. Pricing has yet to be set but they are shooting for a price point of under $100 per month to have a concierge on retainer. Each visit would be billed starting at $10 and going up dependant on services needed for any given house call.

In addition Target hopes to be able to identify what the patients main complaint would be when making an appointment. Based on past medical history with the patient the Doctor dispatched to the home would carry possible prescription medications. Meaning that Rx would be filled on the spot if possible. An added level of customer service not found with many other care plans.

No launch date was listed. From the leaked memo it is safe to assume it will be soon after the New Year.

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The staff at the CallTheCops are all people who now or at one time did work as police, firefighters, in EMS and even dispatch.