Secret bill to outlaw skydiving for the blind quietly being pushed thru congress

It was on a whim that a newly elected congress member tried to sneak a new bill into congress and have it voted on asap before anyone noticed it. Not so! Lobbyist for Americans with disability’s not only took notice but objected. Now they are fighting the congressman and this bill using their own tactics. They are seeking the help of other congress members to vote NO to this newly introduced bill.



A bill they say Impedes a person with disability’s rights. The new bill if approved will make it against the law for anyone with a vision impairment or the blind to skydive anywhere in the country. Funny thing is, the bill actually has the backing of very high agency’s, society’s and famous actors. It was almost missed and voted on said one republican. The congressman supporting the bill, denies trying to sneak it passed, but the way it was added on last minute is proof in the pudding that slipping one by without too many people noticing was his true intention. Sources close to the congressman say he has the full support of PETA and the Humane society as well as financial backing to have the bill succeed in congress.

So what does he have against the blind and visually impaired one might ask? Perhaps no one taught him sign language as a kid? Perhaps, when he visits a ATM he hates feeling the brail on his hands? Official records found indicate that no one in his immediate family or himself suffer from any visual problems. After weeks of refusing to provide this Writer/Reporter with a official comment, his office finally contacted us to provide us with this official statement.

The Official comment from the congressman ” After months of considerate studies and careful deliberating , the congressman will do everything in his power to put a end to skydiving for the legally blind once and for all. He is a friend to the blind and has taken out multiple ads in local newspapers in every big city to reassure them this. His beef is not with them. Skydiving should be banned for the blind, not because of the blind but because it scares the living shit out of their seeing eye dogs”

There it is. It appears our newly elected congressman is a huge animal lover. The bill which is meeting a lot of resistance is expecting to go in front of congress in 2 weeks. Such famous actors as mcGruff the crime fighting dog and smokey the bear will be present to support it, as will Peta and the Aspca.

About PJ Jenkins

Called a genius from birth and able to complete hard calculus in the 2nd grade, oh wait that's Einstein. Our guy PJ Jenkins is a Heroic NYC first responder from the year 2345, he secretly stole a time travel machine and traveled back to this time. The only place where his stories were funny. It seems no one has a sense of humor in the future he comes from or he's just not as funny as he thinks he is. Nick named sloth caused of his resemblance from the cute character from the goonies. PJ Jenkins enjoys making people laugh, running after the ice cream truck and his 4 followers on this site. We hope you enjoy his stories meant to put a smile on everyone's face. He was quoted as saying " if one person smiles, I've done my job but if 2 people smile its a friggin miracle"!