Call the Cops causes international incident with North Korea

A few weeks ago we reported that North Korea attempted to learn from the NYPD about stop and frisk. In that report we told that the NYPD response was “Get Bent”. Kim Jong Un has apparently taken issue with this and demands an public apology.

Kim Jong Un reading Call The Cops

Kim Jong Un reading Call The Cops

Below is the email we got in our inbox this morning.

위대한 지도자는 거짓말을 내려 요구한다. 그가 도움을 NYPD을 요구하지 않았다 그는 절대 안. 당신이 틀렸어요.NYPD 중지하고 몸수색을 발명하지 않았다. 북한에서 우리는 수십 년 동안 중지하고 몸수색을 사용하고있다. 오히려 경찰은 치안 우리의 스타일을 복사.
우리는 당신이 이야기를 철회하고 공식 사과를 발행 요구한다. 그렇게하지 않으면 우리의 위대한 지도자와 북한의 모든 사람들의 분노를 보장합니다.


The English Translation was also included

The great leader demands you take down your lies. He has never asked the NYPD for help and he never would. You are wrong. The NYPD did not invent stop and frisk. We in North Korea have been using Stop and Frisk for decades. If anything the NYPD copied our style of policing.

We demand you retract the story and issue an official apology. Failure to do so will ensure the wrath of our Great Leader and all the people of North Korea.


After about 0.042 seconds of consideration we fired off a reply email. Given the highest level of journalistic pride and tremendous amount of ethical standards we have, we made sure to write a clear and appropriate response. “Go Fuck yourself”.

About Staff

The staff at the CallTheCops are all people who now or at one time did work as police, firefighters, in EMS and even dispatch.