Police Officer, District Attorney, and Defense Attorney all hit with contempt of court over cop’s testimony

An officer testifying in a Drunk Driving trial has landed multiple people in jail on Contempt of Court charges. These charges stem from a breakdown in decorum during the officer’s testimony.


Courtroom laughter over Officer’s Name lands three in jail.

Officer Harold Beaver had just taken the stand when the trouble started. The district Attorney started direct examination in the normal manor. Below is the official transcript of the trial…

Prosecutor: Please state your name and profession for the record

Officer: Officer Beaver, Police Officer for the city of Pizda

Prosecutor: Sorry officer but we need your first and last name.

Officer: Sorry… Harold is my name, but most people call me Harry.

Defense: Laughter

Judge: You find something funny councilor?

Defense: No your honor… was just taken a back by the fact this officer just admitted on record people call him Harry Beaver…

Full Gallery: uncontrolled laughter

Judge: Order… order… I demand order… the next time anyone laughs I will be finding people in contempt!

Once order was restored the testimony continued without any major issues. That is until later in direct examination the video of the arrest was played. Below is a transcript of the video that was played in court.

Officer: Sir based on your admission of having a few beers I need you to step out and perform some tests.

Defendant: OK

Officer: First I will need to check your eyes. Please stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Now I need you to keep your eyes on the light here at the tip of my pen. Can you see the light.

Defendant: wait… is your name Beaver

Officer: Yes… now… can you see the light… I need you to follow the light with your eyes.

Defendant: You have a receding hair line…

Officer: Sir… please focus…Can you see the light… I need you to follow the light with your eyes.

Defendant: Ever think about shaving what little hair you have? Or are you embarrassed about being a bald beaver…

The courtroom then once again erupted in uncontrolled laughter. It should be noted that the officer does have male pattern baldness and as a result has a noticeable comb over.

Even members of the jury were laughing at the dash camera video. The judge had to end court for the day. But he demanded that the three people he viewed as responsible for the outrage in his court to remain.

The judge then admonished the prosecutor, the defense attorney and the officer for allowing such an obvious joke to be perpetuated in his courtroom. When Officer Beaver spoke up that his name was not his fault, the judge handed out his first order of contempt of court. A $500 fine and one night in jail.

Quickly the lawyers were arguing about how this was not their personal faults. As lawyers they could not control what happened in the past. The judge though was not impressed. He also ordered the defense and prosecutor in contempt also.

Due to the tainting of the jury the judge has called for a miss-trial. The trial date has been re-scheduled for next month.

About Staff

The staff at the CallTheCops are all people who now or at one time did work as police, firefighters, in EMS and even dispatch.