George Zimmerman being recruited for Police Chief Jobs

It looks like George Zimmerman is having an interesting week. Rumor has it his wife is seeking a divorce. But at the same time Zimmerman is fielding job offers to become police chief from multiple cities.

George Zimmerman

George Zimmerman

A law student on internship for Mark O’Mara and Don West, attorneys for Zimmerman, accidentally revealed on twitter she was in Negotiations with various cities to get the best wage and benefits deal for Chief Zimmerman.

Speaking on a condition of anonymity one city counsel person told us this. “George Zimmerman has faced down Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. He won, they lost. That is the kind of leadership this city needs in a police force. Someone who is not afraid to make the difficult calls, and who will not back down.”

At a different city who also need anonymity we were told. “We need someone who is not afraid to be a bad guy. No one can vilify George Zimmerman any more than he already has. So if he comes in and starts to fire the lazy cops, it will not affect his reputation.”

Officials in a third city had this to say. “Our officers are demoralized by the past chief who monday morning quarterbacked every decision. Zimmerman experienced everyone on earth offering their opinion on a decision he made in a spilt second. As a chief he would improve the moral of our officers as we think he would not judge as fast.”

Attorneys O’Mara and West are tight lipped about the possibility of Zimmerman becoming a police chief. Their statement was “we are working to make sure our client has all the facts and can make an informed decision about his future.”

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The staff at the CallTheCops are all people who now or at one time did work as police, firefighters, in EMS and even dispatch.