A few months ago we reported how Chief Ronald Coleman of the Cutlerville, IL police messed up his budget over a bet with officers. His gamble at that time was to get officers to lose weight in exchange for a new gun. It looks like the chief did not learn his lesson and has in one month is already on track to cause a dent in his 2014 budget.

Thin blue line on a kettle bell
Chief Coleman decided for 2014 to wager with officers about decreasing the percentage of body fat. Meaning these already fit officers could increase body weight, but by adding muscle they would be lowering the body fat percentages.
In addition the Chief wanted to see cholesterol levels lowered.
For the payout this year the Chief wagered his officers free gym memberships. The deal was only for officers who joined any gym in the city limits on or before January 1, 2014. Officers had to pay for their membership, but once they lost 5% body fat and had a reduction in cholesterol levels, the PD would pay for the rest of the year.
So on January 2nd, 2014 the chief paid for a certified nurse to come into the PD to get the starting numbers for anyone who whished to take the challenge. Twenty-seven of the forty patrol officers came in to find out fat percentage and get a cholesterol check.
Unknown to chief Coleman twenty-five of his officers signed up at a local Crossfit box. A membership that costs $100 a month for unlimited group workout session. Less than a month later these twenty-five officers have already passed the goal set by their boss.
“Looks like I am paying out a little over $25,000 this year for gym memberships. This will not completely destroy my budget but it does change some plans. Not sure where we will make up this shortfall. Might not replace a squad car. Might have to cancel some out of state training trips guys were going to take.”
While many would assume the mayor would be mad with the chief, Cutlerville Mayor, Richard Froning, is pleased.
“The chief caused some budget hiccups for his agency. But for the city he has saved money. Sick time use at the PD is down. Guys who made weekly chiropractor visits have stopped, lowing our insurance. No one is out on disability due to injury. I actually support what he is doing and will do what I can to help him make up his budget shortfall.”
Citizens seem to have a mixed reaction. Some are happy their cops are getting fit and feel safer due to that. Others are mad that tax dollars are paying for gym memberships.
Check back with us to keep up to date as this story unfolds.