Entire Correction Department quits because they aren’t given the same respect as road deputies on patrol

Sheriff Tom Moore of Praesent County, Utah, has a major dilemma on his hands. All the full time corrections deputies have walked off the job, leaving the jail short staffed by nothing but part timers.


County Jail

The corrections deputies have been feeling increasing pressure from what they call a general lack of respect. Even though they are fully deputized everyone still calls them simply “guard”.

Sgt. Dan Gavin (former Sgt. now unemployed) told us this. “We are corrections deputies, or better yet just deputies. What does it matter if we are in the jail or in a squad car? We all have on a brown uniform, all have the same patch and badge. Yet we never get called deputy, we get called guard. We do a lot more than just babysit. Yet all the patrol guys think of us as just over paid babysitters.”

Sheriff Moore had this to say about the walk out. “Anyone who wants to return to work in the next 36 hours will get to keep their job. Otherwise I will consider them all to have quit. Also I want to make sure everyone knows I am now accepting applications to establish an eligibility list to fill positions in our jail.”

A deputy who wanted to talk to us off the record said this. “I have no clue what these guards are upset about. They have such an easy job. All they do is watch people in cages, and count them every few hours to ensure they have the right number. They talk about all this respect stuff, how much respect do they need to be able to count dirt bags sleeping in jail cells?”

We asked former Sgt. Gavin for a rebuttal. “Are you fucking kidding me! That is just the disrespect we are dealing with. Fuck that asshole. Who said that, was it [redacted] I bet it was [redacted]. That hot shot would not last five minutes in the jail. You know what… next year is an election year, maybe I will run for Sheriff!”

About Staff

The staff at the CallTheCops are all people who now or at one time did work as police, firefighters, in EMS and even dispatch.