About Us

Call the Cops

This site is a satire of the current state of Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting and Emergency Medical work.  Stories posted here are not real and you should not assume them to have any basis in any real fact. Heck we tend to leave in spelling and grammer errors just to prove we is not the professional media. No reference of an individual, company, or government entity seeks to inflict malice or emotional harm.

Any statement made by authors on this page should not be considered the opinions of agencies they are employed by.


Copyright Violations

We make every effort to use photos and images that are in the public domain. If we have made an error and used a photo that you hold a copyright to, we will take it down as soon as you notify us. Please use the Contact US form to notify us of the image you own the rights to. To speed the process up please provide a link to the story the image is in so there is no mistake as to which image and in which story. Thanks!