A firefighter from Godnost fire department is off work for a torn muscle requiring surgery. But administrators at City Hall have deemed his out side the bounds of acceptable on-duty behavior
Read More »Feud breaks out at department after shift pool hit big lottery win
The winners of the $400 million dollar Powerball lottery in September who whished to remain anonymous have been revealed to CalltheCops. This revelation comes after a major feud broke out among the winners, a group of firefighters all on the same shift.
Read More »City Manager denies OT pay for firefighters on fire scene due to lack of preapproval
Firefighters from the town of Brewnall are upset over the fact they will not be paid for multiple hours of overtime. The issue stems from a new city policy that states all overtime must be approved by the City Manager before the overtime occurs
Read More »Disney orders a stop to development of prototype fire helmet
Munch Leatherworks has been in the development of a new generation of fire helmet for almost 3 years. But all that work may be for nothing as Disney claims the helmet infringes on a copyright they own.
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